Learn Quantum Technologies along with me!
Are IBM, Google, D-wave wasting their time?
Why not harness nv-centres to build qubits – neatly skipping the cryogenic limitations of today’s implementations?
When you expect one thing, but see something else – The Stern-Gerlach Experiment
Susskind and Freidman tell us two aspects of the quantum world stand out as fundamental: Harmonic oscillators, well-known in classical physics, are readily expressed in quantum terms. Whereas spin – quantised intrinsic angular momentum of particles – is non-obvious and “strange” to classical physics. Yet harnessing spin is the key to many quantum technologies. The…
About the maths….it’s quite neat!
Navigating the love-hate rollercoaster of math in my quantum physics course, I’m dusting off old calculus memories. Despite the intense integration, differentiation, and probabilities, the beauty of quantum mechanics math is slowly winning me over.
Week 3: Probabilistic nature of the measurement in Quantum Mechanics
This week, we get to delve into three more key postulates of quantum mechanics: measurement, the probabilistic nature of measurement outcomes, and wave function collapse. Then for fun, we look at some historic interpretations
How is the study week structured
The University of Sussex MSc in Quantum Technology Applications and Management course is organised into three segments: Explore, Apply, and Consolidate. Each week includes preparatory readings, live sessions/office hours, culminating in tasks and quizzes. Not to forget the marked assignments that vary per module. Here’s more details….and how I try and flex my week around…
Spin – intrinsic angular momentum
… “All I know is that to me; You look like you’re having fun; Open up your lovin’ arms; Watch out, here I come;….”
Be lazy – like a mathematician
I need to be lazier, but less sloppy with my maths; at least I can recognise assignment questions are unlikely to have complex solutions
My AI co-pilot for graph drawing
I discovered an efficient toolchain for plotting wave and probability density functions to significantly deepen my understanding.
Week 2: The wave functions, operators and observables
In week 2, I’m learning about wave functions, observables, operators, and the first two postulates of quantum mechanics, aiming to describe quantum states, explain observables and operators, and use Dirac notation.
A useful book: Quantum Mechanics – the theoretical minimum
This book is an excellent foundation for quantum mechanics, easing readers into complex topics like wave functions and linear algebra through a clear, structured approach.
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